Youngest Competitor of the Event! Kai Ping Culinary School Alumni Win Bronze at the “Olympics of Desserts”

Under the Guidance of a Gold Medal-Winning Pastry Chef, Taiwan’s Baking Talents Gain International Recognition at the iba.UIBC.Cup of Confectioners.



Led by the Taipei Bakery Association, Taiwan’s top bakers clinched a bronze medal at a world competition! Kai Ping Culinary School alumni Teng, Min-Yu and Lin, Peng-Yi, both just in their early twenties in 2021, emerged from the highly competitive Taiwan selection and, under the mentorship of world gold medalist Chef de cuisine Peng, Hao, traveled to Munich, Germany, from October 25 to 26 to compete in the prestigious “iba.UIBC.Cup of Confectioners.” Their achievement not only carries significant legacy but also showcases Taiwan’s exceptional baking skills to the world.

The German iba.UIBC.Cup of Confectioners, hailed as the “Olympics of the dessert world,” attracts top baking talents from around the globe each year, making it a highly prestigious event in the industry. In 2015, the Taiwanese Team, composed of then Kai Ping Culinary School’s baking instructors, Chef de cuisine Peng, Hao and Chef Yang, Chia-Ming, won the world gold medal, bringing back invaluable international competition experience to pass on to the students, including two outstanding Taiwanese competitors this year. Notably, Chef Peng, Hao continued to guide the competitors intensively for this event. As the competition approached, the two competitors dedicated all their personal time to rigorous training at the Kai Ping Culinary School. Due to the pandemic, the competition was postponed for two years, posing significant challenges in maintaining the competitors’ performance levels. To stay aligned with the rapidly evolving culinary trends, competitor Teng, Min-Yu engaged in numerous teaching sessions at the Kai Ping Culinary School, continually enhancing his baking knowledge through culinary education and ongoing discussions with Chef Peng, Hao. Another competitor, Lin, Peng-Yi, notably won the “2023 UIBC World Cup Junior Confectioners Competition” before returning to her alma mater the next day to resume her intense preparations, demonstrating admirable dedication and focus.

Regarding the impressive performance of the alumni in this competition, Principal Ma, Chia-Yen of the Kai Ping Culinary School stated that Chef de cuisine Peng, Hao not only keeps the baking programs up-to-date with deepening professional courses but also embodies the School’s spirit of lifelong service to alumni. He generously provides guidance and discussions from their time as students through graduation, making the alumni’s outstanding achievements traceable. Additionally, Director of School Affairs Hsia, Hao-Chun of the Kai Ping Culinary School expressed gratitude to the Taipei Bakery Association for providing excellent resources and platforms for Taiwanese competitors. This support offers young culinary professionals more opportunities to demonstrate their skills. As the industry becomes more globally open, the School is dedicated to cultivating students with the technical foundation to align with the industry. To this goal, the School actively collaborates with various sectors, aiming to create a more comprehensive and robust culinary education ecosystem, fostering future culinary talents capable of integrating with the global stage.

Kai Ping Culinary School alumni Teng, Min-Yu from 2014 Class (right) and Lin, Peng-Yi from 2021 Class (left), both under 30 years old, won bronze medals in the prestigious international baking competition, showcasing their outstanding skills.

The remarkable performance of these competitors has demonstrated to the world that Taiwan’s baking prowess should not be underestimated.